Respectful Of You.
Aggressive With Prosecutors.

Facing Child Pornography Charges? Fight The Charges With An Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyer.

While there is no question that public opinion pertaining to individuals charged with any sex crime is usually fairly harsh, it is even more so when the charges involve illegal child pornography. The strong feelings of the public can make it difficult for an accused person to secure fair treatment. Because of this it is vital to work with a lawyer who has a thorough understanding of the criminal justice system.

Serving Minneapolis and the western suburbs, criminal defense attorney Matthew J. Mankey of the Mankey Law Office, understands the issues that can arise in conjunction with a child pornography charge, and what goes into building a defense against it.

How Computer Forensics Helps In The Investigation

In virtually any situation where someone faces a child pornography charge, computer forensics plays a big role. To search the hard drive of the accused, authorities must secure a warrant. Once access to a hard drive is obtained, files on the hard drive may be encrypted so that they are not easily viewable. Unencrypting these files for authorities is not a foregone conclusion. Depending on the specifics surrounding these matters, a lawyer may be able to prevent authorities from obtaining this potential evidence.

Enhanced Charges Can Make Situation More Serious

A charge related to illegal pornography involving children is scary enough but in many cases that may be just the beginning. Charges can quickly become more severe depending on what the images depict, how they are stored and whether they are being shared.

These enhancements could make the penalties for a conviction much more severe. Concurrent jurisdiction between the state of Minnesota and federal authorities can also result in increased penalties if the state refers the case to federal authorities.

Do Not Wait To Begin Your Defense

We understand how quickly a criminal charge can impact your life and that an accusation of a crime is not the same as a conviction. Accordingly, if you come to us for help you can expect that we will investigate the matter, secure the best possible outcome and prepare for trial from the outset. For a free initial consultation, contact us online or call 612-424-9454.