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Charged with a gun crime in Minnesota? Help is available

On Behalf of | Oct 9, 2014 | Violent Crimes

Whether you’re a gun enthusiast or not, it is safe to say that guns do serve a valuable purpose when used in a responsible way. Unfortunately, the use of guns is often linked to a variety or criminal activities. Minnesota residents who have been charged with a gun crime do have the right to defend themselves in criminal court.

The right to bear arms is granted by the U.S. Constitution unless, however, that right has been taken away due to a criminal record. Minnesota law requires that those who have a violent felony conviction on their record and have been found with a firearm in their possession be sentenced to a mandatory five year prison term. The penalty for those with a non-violent felony charge is not quite as severe, but it can still be damaging.

Along with felon in possession charges, there are a number of activities that may qualify as a gun crime. To see a list of these activities and to learn how an attorney can help you if you are faced with accusations of a gun crime, please visit our Minneapolis Gun Crime Lawyer page. A variety of legal strategies may be used to help fight these accusations.

Being charged with a gun crime is a serious matter that can have significant penalties if a conviction is ultimately secured. An experienced criminal defense attorney who handles cases involving Minnesota gun laws may be able to provide valuable insight to your case. While fighting weapons charges can be difficult, depending on the circumstances surrounding the case, it isn’t an impossible feat.

Source:, “Minneapolis Gun Crime Lawyer“, , Oct. 8, 2014

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