In our last post, we talked about the scheduling system and the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. This seminal piece of legislation forever changed how the US tackled drug crimes, and we've been in the "War on Drugs" ever since. The "success," so much as it is, of...
Respectful Of You.
Aggressive With Prosecutors.
Month: April 2017
Let’s talk about the Controlled Substances Act
You probably don't think about the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 that much on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. But it is one of the most important pieces of legislation in the world of criminal law in the last half-century. The Controlled Substances Act...
N-Dex database being rolled out to police in Minneapolis
Police in Minneapolis are poised to have more information to help them solve crimes. Among other things, the N-Dex database, created and used by the FBI, will make it easier for law enforcement officers to quickly get information about criminals across state lines....
On DUI expungement, and why it is still important
In our last post, we talked about expungement and how the Minnesota Supreme Court narrowly decided that the "Second Chance" law in this state did not apply to an individual who had criminal conviction downgraded to a misdemeanor. This meant he would not be able to...
Supreme Court rules against expungement in some cases
Lawyers recently argued in the Court of Appeals, as well as the Third District, that a man whose conviction was downgraded to a "misdemeanor" after he completed probation should be eligible to have his record expunged based on Minnesota's Second Chance Law. They lost...
The perils of a DWI conviction if you have a commercial license
Getting a DWI can be very serious, but for those with a commercial driver's license (CDL), it can also mean a loss of their ability to work. That's because Minnesota drivers who get a DWI will lose more than just their regular driving privileges. They also lose access...
Discussing DUI/DWI law in Minnesota
The state of Minnesota, as is the case for every state in the country, recognizes the 0.08 blood alcohol limit for drivers. Anyone over that level can be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. However, there are other circumstances that can lead to a DUI...