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Mother charged after giving son medical marijuana for his injury

On Behalf of | Dec 26, 2014 | Drug Charges

When a child is seriously injured, it seems only natural that the child’s parents will try to alleviate that pain in anyway possible. However, one Minnesota mother faces child endangerment charges for allegedly attempting to help her child by giving him marijuana for medicinal purposes. The mother’s criminal defense is currently attempting to have the charges dropped.

In 2011, the son — who is now 15 years old — suffered a brain injury while playing baseball. The muscle spasms and pain resulting from the injury became so insufferable that the child told his parents that he wanted to harm himself. His parents decided to take a long trip from Minnesota to another state in order to legally purchase cannabis oil for their son.

According to the parents, the occasional use of the marijuana oil caused a “dramatic improvement” in their son’s symptoms. However, until June 2015, the use of medical marijuana remains illegal in Minnesota. Therefore, the mother was arrested and charged with two misdemeanor counts of child endangerment despite her claims that the cannabis oil was helping her son.

In her criminal defense, the Minnesota mother is attempting to have her charges dismissed from the court record entirely. Additionally, there is a petition with nearly 9,000 signatures asking that her charges be dropped in light of the fact that medical marijuana will be legal in just a few months. When a person is arrested for a crime that he or she feels was not actually committed, that person will have every reasonable opportunity to challenge the accusations in court and seek a just result.

Source:, “Minnesota mom heads back to court on charges of giving son medical marijuana“, Jennifer Brooks, Dec. 16, 2014

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