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Gun crime on the rise at Minnesota university

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2015 | Violent Crimes

A police deputy chief stated that he believes that warm weather might have had something to do with the apparent increase in criminal incidents near a local campus. A suspected gun crime took place at the University of Minnesota on a recent weekend. A student was allegedly robbed after being threatened with being shot while visiting a friend in the area.

Reports indicate that there were at least two other crime alerts during the weekend. The deputy chief said that it is normally much colder at this time of year. With warmer temperatures, more people are outside, some of whom might be looking for trouble. The young man who was robbed noticed three men who were apparently pursuing him as he approached an intersection early Saturday morning. He tried to run from them.

The student claims that upon overtaking him, the men demanded his wallet. He said that they grew angry when he informed them that he did not have one. He alleges that one of the men threatened him with a gun. Nearby witnesses called the police for help.

The case remains under investigation at the current time. Police continue to search for the suspects. If an eventual arrest is made, the suspect or suspects will most likely have need of legal representation. A professional experienced in criminal defense is often called upon to assist someone who has been accused of a gun crime in Minnesota. Competent legal advice can prove beneficial with regard to ensuring that the rights of the accused are protected.

Source:, “U area sees increase in violent crime”, Morgan Wolfe, Jan. 28, 2015

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