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Juvenile crimes: youth with prior judgment in detention again

On Behalf of | May 21, 2015 | Criminal Defense

When a juvenile faces criminal charges, there is a lot at stake, as his or her future will undoubtedly be affected in numerous ways. Under Minnesota law, felony juvenile crimes committed by those who are 16 years old or older are not sealed and will become public record. A 16-year-old Worthington youth now faces several charges after an arrest for an armed robbery.

The juvenile petition that was filed the morning after the robbery states that the grocery store clerk alleged that a masked man robbed the cash register in the shop while pointing a firearm at her. Only the eyes of the robber were visible, but the victim was apparently able to identify him. Witnesses reportedly pointed out the home of a person known to the suspected robber, and, although he claimed not to have seen the suspect, he allowed officers searched his house.

Following a scuffle, the alleged robber was arrested after he was located in the basement. The $69 allegedly stolen from the store was also found in the same location. The youth was taken to a hospital for a medical evaluation and reportedly told the medical staff that he threatened a store clerk with a gun, cleaned out the cash register and ran to hide. The boy is now facing several felony charges related to aggravated robbery and assault with a deadly weapon.

The youth is being held in a juvenile detention center, and he will need competent legal representation, as he had a prior formal judgment for juvenile crimes. The fact that he was previously found guilty of second-degree assault will likely count against him. However, by utilizing the services of a Minnesota attorney who focuses on protecting the rights of juveniles, he can ensure that his rights are protected during his trial.

Source:, “Worthington teen charged with armed robbery“, Kristin Kirtz, May 7, 2015

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