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Minnesota students charged with possession of firearm

On Behalf of | May 28, 2015 | Violent Crimes

Young individuals may not always make the wisest decisions when they contemplate their actions. As a result, they may find themselves in trouble for some of the activities in which they participate. Though much of the trouble they face would likely be minor, there are situations that could result in individuals facing criminal charges, such as possession of firearm.

Two students in Minnesota are currently facing such charges after a gun was discovered on school property. School staff was reportedly informed by students that another student had a gun. The authorities were notified, and the student was allegedly confronted. The 16-year-old individual reportedly told officers that the gun was given to him by another student. 

The other student allegedly stated that he took the gun from his home, and that he and the other student simply wanted to show it off. There was apparently no violent intent behind having the gun at the school. However, both students are still facing felony charges relating to the event due to having a dangerous weapon on school grounds. 

Because at least one of the individuals allegedly involved in this situation is a minor, age could potentially play a role in how the case proceeds. Facing felony possession of firearm charges could result in serious consequences for the individuals, especially if they are prosecuted as adults in court. Information on how such situations are handled in Minnesota could help them determine how their cases will likely move forward and what options may be most useful to each of them.

Source:, “Students bring gun to school, face charges”, Dana Thiede, May 18, 2015

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