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Minnesota man may wish to defend against DUI charge

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2015 | Drunk Driving

When an accident results in a fatality, it is possible that the driver considered at fault could potentially face criminal charges. Additionally, those charges could become more severe if authorities suspect that the driver may have been under the influence at the time of the crash. If an individual is charged with DUI in relation to a fatal accident, he or she may want to explore criminal defense options.

One man in Minnesota may be looking into his options after being taken into custody. It was reported that the 22-year-old man was driving a vehicle west when he collided with the side of a second vehicle that was traveling north. There were apparently at least three individuals in the vehicle traveling north, and two of those individuals suffered fatal injuries.

The man was also injured in the accident but was treated and released into police custody. Authorities took him into custody on suspicion of driving under the influence. It is unclear what caused this suspicion and whether any tests were administered to determine blood-alcohol level. At the time of the report, it was not mentioned whether any other charges will be leveled against the man.

Though situations in which individuals are killed are always tragic, the man facing DUI charges should not be considered guilty until — and only if — he is later convicted in a court of law. The man has the opportunity to defend himself against the allegations that have been brought against him, and in order to do so, he may wish to find out more information regarding his situation. Information on Minnesota criminal proceedings could help him better understand what to expect as his case moves forward.

Source:, “Collision at Sauk Rapids intersection kills 2; driver suspected of drinking“, Paul Walsh, Aug. 9, 2015

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