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Woman charged with DWI in Minnesota

On Behalf of | Nov 6, 2015 | Drunk Driving

A woman in Minnesota will likely be considering her legal options after recently being taken into custody. Reports stated that the 19-year-old woman was charged with DWI after purportedly attempting to park a vehicle and hitting three other parked vehicles in the process. It was also mentioned that a security officer at the hotel where she was reportedly attempting to park had to assist her. 

Hotel staff apparently reported the incident to the authorities, and an officer went to the scene. The officer reportedly talked to the woman, and she stated that she had gone to the parking lot in order to smoke. At the time, the woman allegedly appeared to be under the influence, and the officer conducted field sobriety tests, which the woman reportedly did not pass. 

Due to purportedly failing the sobriety tests, the woman was taken into custody for DWI. It was noted that the woman’s blood-alcohol level was allegedly .20 percent. It was not mentioned whether a breath test or other chemical tests were utilize to determine the BAC level. It was also not reported whether additional charges would be filed due to the woman being under the legal drinking age. 

As the woman’s case proceeds, she may find it beneficial to look into information regarding the DWI charges leveled against her. Becoming more knowledgeable about her predicament could allow her to make better informed decisions regarding her criminal defense. Furthermore, learning about Minnesota criminal proceedings related to her case could also help her understand what to possibly expect when she makes her court appearances.

Source:, “DWI suspect struck 3 vehicles in hotel parking lot“, Mike Hanks, Oct. 27, 2015

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