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Gun crime: Minnesota man facing murder charge

On Behalf of | Dec 15, 2015 | Violent Crimes, Violent Crimes

Serious charges can result from situations in which deadly weapons are suspected to have been used. An individual facing gun crime allegations could be charged with possession, assault or even murder. If a person has been accused of illegal activity involving a gun or other dangerous weapon, gaining an understanding of the pending charges and coming court proceedings will be essential in preparing and presenting a focused defense.

One man in Minnesota may be hoping to find the most meaningful way to handle his case after recently being taken into custody. It was reported that the 61-year-old man had been at a resort after having been hired to provide entertainment for a party that was taking place at the location. During the party, the man and another individual were outside and allegedly became involved in an altercation.

Witnesses purportedly stated that the two men had physical contact and that the man whom authorities have accused took out a gun and shot the other man. The other man, reported as being 35 years old, died as a result of injures suffered in the incident. Authorities came to the scene and found the surviving man in a room at the resort. He allegedly resisted arrest and suffered minor injuries as a result. He is currently facing charges for second-degree murder. 

As the man’s case moves through the Minnesota criminal justice system, he will need to make a number of important decisions with regard to handling his proceedings. Information on court processes relating to gun crime and murder charges may help him find out more about what to expect during court appearances. Alongside his legal counsel, he will have the opportunity to contest the accusations and seek a result that he deems to be in his own best interests.

Source:, “Finland, Minnesota Man Held On Murder Charges In Bluefin Bay Resort Shooting“, Dave Strandberg, Dec. 10, 2015

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