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Minnesota man may wish to gain information on criminal law

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2016 | Criminal Defense

The criminal justice system can be a complicated structure. Therefore, if accused individuals are not well versed in criminal law, they may not immediately understand the legal predicament they could be facing. However, legal information is available from reliable resources, and individuals who are facing criminal charges may wish to consider exploring such resources in order to potentially gain valuable knowledge.

One man in Minnesota may be working to become more knowledgeable about his case after recently being taken into custody. It was reported that authorities were alerted to a cabin fire, and when they arrived at the scene, they found an inferno engulfing the cabin. The man apparently lived there with his wife. It was unclear whether the man was on the property when the police arrived.

The man was apparently questioned, and he allegedly stated that he purposefully set the cabin on fire. The fire supposedly began from the inside. Aside from the man, the cabin was vacant at the time of the incident, and no injuries were reported. As a result of the incident, the man is facing a felony charge of first-degree arson. At the time of the report, formal charges had not yet been filed, but they were expected. 

If the man is charged, preparing for his legal case could help him as he moves through the Minnesota criminal justice system. Information on that system as well as other areas of criminal law that he feels could be useful to him may prove beneficial. Exploring his options for creating and presenting a criminal defense may allow him to combat the allegations that could be filed against him.

Source:, “A northern Minnesota man faces a felony charge after authorities say he burned down his cabin last week”, Jan. 26, 2016

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