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Criminal law info may assist man accused of murder in Minnesota

On Behalf of | May 20, 2016 | Criminal Defense

When an individual is suspected of a serious crime, he or she may feel apprehensive about how to address the allegations. The person may wish to gain more information on the criminal law surrounding the predicament in order to determine what to expect as the case moves forward. One man in Minnesota may be taking such action after recently being accused of murder.

Reports stated that the 30-year-old man is accused of killing his pregnant wife. The report describes her as being 23 years old, and her pregnancy was apparently far enough along to be noticeable. The woman’s sister allegedly witnessed the situation, which purportedly involved the man stabbing the woman several times with a kitchen knife. The man then reportedly left the scene with the two children the couple already had. 

The woman did not survive the incident, and though an emergency c-section was performed, the unborn child also did not survive. The man reportedly turned himself in, and as result, he is currently facing charges for first-degree murder. It was also reported that the couple had allegedly had domestic issues in the past, and the woman had purportedly filed for divorce at one point but withdrew the petition. 

Murder charges may be considered some of those the most serious allegations a person could face. The man charged in this alleged event may be feeling understandably overwhelmed by the decisions ahead of him. If he wishes, he should consider consulting with an experienced Minnesota defense attorney who would be able to provide valuable criminal law insight that could help the man make better informed decisions as his case proceeds.

Source: Chicago Tribune, “Former Wheaton man charged with stabbing pregnant wife to death“, Clifford Ward, May 17, 2016

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