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Man charged with sexual assault booked in Minnesota jail

On Behalf of | Jun 30, 2016 | Sex Crimes

When it comes to defending against criminal charges, accused individuals may wish to explore the options that could be suitable for their particular cases. Each case is unique to the circumstances and people involved, and, therefore, the tactics used to defend against charges for sexual assault or other allegations may differ. Luckily, reliable information could help parties make choices with which they feel comfortable.

One man may soon be taking such action after being extradited back to Minnesota. Reports stated that the man had formerly lived in the state, and during that time, he was purportedly the leader of a cult. Followers of his organization reportedly let their daughters live at a compound with the man, and he allegedly molested those girls. Some of his followers confronted him about the purported sexual assaults, and he left the area as a result.

The man was recently booked in a county jail on 59 counts of sexual assault. He had been living in another country at the time of his arrest, and he was extradited to the state last year. The man could potentially spend the rest of his life in prison if he is convicted of even some of the counts brought against him.

In attempts to avoid such an outcome, the Minnesota man’s case could hinge on his criminal defense. Therefore, he may wish to work toward creating the most meaningful defense possible. Information on his options and strategies that could suit his sexual assault case may help him determine how he would like to move forward. His legal counsel may also be able to go over his options in order to assist him during the decision making process.

Source:, “Accused Cult Leader Extradited to Minnesota to Face Sexual Assault Charges”, Rebecca Omastiak, June 28, 2016

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