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N-Dex database being rolled out to police in Minneapolis

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2017 | Criminal Defense

Police in Minneapolis are poised to have more information to help them solve crimes. Among other things, the N-Dex database, created and used by the FBI, will make it easier for law enforcement officers to quickly get information about criminals across state lines. That can lead to a suspect being apprehended before they have a chance to commit another crime, which makes the database access very valuable to them.

While many may believe that gaining access to information that helps fight crime is a good thing, some believe there is a downside. Privacy concerns could develop for individuals whose information may suddenly be more available than it was in the past. Additionally, having large databases can mean hackers have the opportunity to get access to much more information if they can find a way in. People’s lives and livelihoods can be compromised by the availability of knowledge about them, and when all of that knowledge is put in one place for the taking, it’s understandable that some would worry about who has or can get access.

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