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Criminal charges have far-reaching consequences for the accused

On Behalf of | May 24, 2017 | Criminal Defense

Being accused of a crime is a pivotal moment in any person’s life. A criminal charge can have a wide range of effects that last a very long time. There are the legal consequences of a criminal charge, such as the jail time associated with the crime, the fines associated with the charge, and probation — just to name a few. 

Then there are the indirect penalties associated with a criminal charge. These are the consequences that will affect you for a long time. Your criminal history will make it difficult to find a new job or keep your current one. It will also make it difficult to find a new place to live. You may also have your ability to vote restricted, as well as other impediments, such as being unable to drive a car or even leave your home (depending on the circumstances of your charge and release).

No matter what your crime is — may it be a DUI, a sex crime, a violent crime, a drug crime, or anything in between — you will need legal representation to help you during the course of the criminal process. At Mankey Law Office, we have experience handling all of these crimes, and we can help you address the serious legal issues involved with your case.

We can also help people with an expungement, should you choose to seek it. An expungement seals your criminal history away — though it can still be referenced in light of a new criminal charge against you. But having the charge expunged can free you from the indirect constraints of a criminal charge we listed above.

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