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Minnesota woman faces criminal charges after a prank gone wrong

On Behalf of | Jul 6, 2017 | Violent Crimes, Violent Crimes

Facing criminal charges can be a shocking and overwhelming experience. For some accused individuals in Minnesota and elsewhere, being charged with a crime is more than unforeseen. Whether it is due to supposed carelessness or allegedly intentional misconduct, some defendants could face serious criminal allegation. Therefore, even in the most unexpected situation, defendants should understand that they have criminal defense options available to them.

According to recent reports, a 19-year-old Minnesota woman was charged for a violent crime after she informed authorities about a video stunt that went wrong with her boyfriend. The young woman was charged with second-degree manslaughter after her call to police that her boyfriend died from a gunshot wound to the chest.

Based on the report, the couple is known for making pranks and uploading them on YouTube. Supposedly, they were making a video of her shooting a bullet into a book that was held to the chest of her boyfriend. The girl claimed that she fired the gun from about a foot away from him. While this is deemed a prank gone wrong, the young woman could face up to 10 years in prison for this charge.

When facing a violent crime charge, or any criminal charge, it is important to understand the details and elements of the crime alleged. This not only helps with the defense process but also helps a defendant become more aware of the potential consequences. This could help with a defense strategy that could result in reduced or dismissed charges.

Source: Chicago Tribune, “Minnesota woman charged after fatally shooting her boyfriend in YouTube stunt gone wrong,” June 28, 2017

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