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The benefits of a defense plea bargain

On Behalf of | Aug 4, 2017 | Federal Crimes

Being charged with a federal crime can put you in a pretty bad situation. You will likely experience a lot of uncertainty about your future and what it entails. When you begin to create a defense to the federal crimes charges, you will likely consider looking into plea bargains. Plea bargains offer the following advantages.

Receiving a reduction in charges is one of the biggest advantages of using a plea bargain as a defense to a federal crime charge. This is the most common type of plea deal and helps you get a lesser charge on your record. A reduction in the charge might also give you access to privileges you might have lost with the original charge, such as a driver’s license or the right to vote.

When you use a plea bargain as part of your defense to a federal crime, you are essentially trading the risk involved with a little bit more certainty. A plea bargain keeps you from going to trial, where a jury can convict you of the crime, even if the evidence presented is in your favor. When you agree to a plea bargain, you get rid of the risk involved of seeing the case through to court.

Another advantage of a plea bargain is that you can lower the sentence for the crime you committed. The charge might not be reduced, but the time spent behind bars could be dropped by the prosecutor on the case.

Being charged with a federal crime can be a lengthy process, especially when it comes to waiting for a trial. Agreeing to a plea bargain can help speed up the process of determining your fate.

Have you been charged with a federal crime in Minnesota? Contact our firm to discuss the crime, the charge and how you can fight it with a plea bargain.

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