Just as there are many forms the crime of fraud can take, there are many reasons a person might find they are accused of committing fraud. Because everyone's situation is different, understanding those reasons is an important first step in deciding the best way to...
Respectful Of You.
Aggressive With Prosecutors.
Year: 2016
Understanding defenses to accusation of criminal trespass
Though likely not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about criminal charges, the consequences for criminal trespass can be harsh. If you or a loved one has been accused of criminal trespass, you should know that there are defenses you can raise to this...
Clowning Around on Social Media Can Lead to Criminal Charges
It's no secret that today's teens spend a lot of their time interacting on social media. To many, it can feel like they are in their own world, even if part of them understands that much of what they post online can be seen, and even taken seriously, by the general...
Views on how to address opioid addiction changing
Opioid addiction is a growing problem throughout the country, and Congress is currently looking for new ways to handle the issue. Among the ideas to help people with addictions is shifting the focus from a criminal matter to a health matter. That's not to say that...
How Expungement Can Benefit Your Life
Thanks to changes to state law, it's easier than ever for Minnesota residents to have old criminal charges expunged from their records. If you have been struggling to move on with your life after a criminal conviction, expungement may help you find a way forward.What...
Local man avoids prison in insurance fraud case
It is an unfortunate reality that not everyone who is criminally prosecuted actually intends to commit a crime. Under certain circumstances it is possible the accused could end up facing criminal consequences because of the position he or she is placed in by others. A...
My Thoughts On The Plea Agreement Reached In The Wetterling Case
I am writing this blog about the Wetterling case in response to the many questions I have received following the recent turn of events. In particular, many have expressed their belief that the plea agreement reached with the man-who admitted to abducting, sexually...
Court decision erodes individual liberties
It is well-settled law that the remedy for illegally obtained evidence is suppression of that evidence. The bedrock principal of law was cracked significantly by the United States Supreme court on June 20th. Justice Clarence Thomas writing for the majority further...
Minnesota man accused in incident involving deadly weapon
Dealing with criminal charges may seem like a mystery to individuals who are facing allegations. Without the proper information, they may feel uncertain about their options or how they may be able to proceed in terms of their defense strategies. If an individual is...
What You Should Know About Miranda Warnings
The Miranda Warning is staple on many popular cop shows. While many may be aware of the now 50-year-old warning, it is likely that few really understand the way it works. Among other things it advises a suspect that they do not have to talk to authorities but that if...